These sandwiches are so good! The first time I made these Henry suggested I open a restaurant. The recipe comes from an April 2013 Bon Appetit magazine that I bought from the grocery store because this was on the cover and sounded amazing! It tasted just like I wanted. I love sandwiches with coleslaw and these hit the spot! Hill…
Category: Sandwiches

Henry’s Deep Fried Big Mac!
This was a side project of Henry’s when I got out the deep fryer out to make the egg rolls for the Vietnamese Bun. Henry concocted some kind of batter to smear over it and dropped it in the hot oil. It was surprisingly good for a few bites. He also deep fried the McDonalds apple pie but that was…

Bagels with Cream Cheese, Salmon, Egg, Avocado, Tomato and Pickles
This is something that I used to make years ago and forgot about until recently. Not much to know other than having all these ingredients, cooking the salmon and hard boiled eggs. It is really good! Bigger tomatoes work better but this is what I had. Just layer it up and enjoy!

Pastrami Grilled Cheese Sandwich on Rye
This Levy’s Real Jewish Rye is a really cool bread I found here in NYC. I am sure I will never find this in CA. It was perfect for this pastrami sandwich I made for Henry. I steamed the Trader Joes pastrami and melted the auricchio provolone inside with buttered bread. Not low calorie but super yummy for Roger or…

Pastrami Sauerkraut Arugula Egg Sandwich on Rye Bread
This is part of my pastrami phase! I bought this amazingly fresh arugula at the farmers market and some caraway sauerkraut and made a sandwich with my new favorite pastrami from Trader Joes and added a sunny side up fried egg and put some mayonnaise on Levy’s Jewish Rye bread from Fairway. This was so good one day I ate…

Henry’s Winning Sandwich
Henry and I watched Cutthroat Kitchen and had a sandwich competition. This was his creation. He took some really fresh french baguette and grilled it with a filling from a mozzarella and salami rolled thing we got at the store. I don’t know exactly how he cooked it but the cheese was melted perfectly and the bread was crisp and…

Henry’s Amazing Stuffed Burgers with Bacon and Pepper Buns
Henry has no trouble tackling projects in the kitchen that seem daunting to me. This is one of them! He had watched a video from Epic Meal Time’s Handle It series and told me about these about a year and a half ago. We made these while were living at my mother’s house during our Laguna house remodel and I…

Leftover Pasticada Barbecue Beef Sandwiches
After the Pasticada sat in the refrigerator for a day, the meat absorbed a lot of the sauce. It started to taste like a pulled pork or barbecue beef flavor with the sweet and sour nature of it. So I took what was left at that point and cooked it and shredded it into a barbecue beef mixture. It tasted…

Hamburgers at home
For my sons 16th birthday a few years ago I tried to recreate an In N Out burger for him from home. It turned out really good but tasted more like a 5 Guys burger. I also love Shake Shack burgers. This version is not the In N Out version because I was working with what I had. To make…